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Blue Sports Holder - Activeaide™

Designers and Manufacturers of Specialist

Anaphylaxis & Asthma Products

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"Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction when a person is exposed to an allergen. The most common allergens are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. cashews), cow's milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, certain insect stings and medications."

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Blue Sports Holder

Blue Sports Holder
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Carry one or more Epipen®, Anapen or Twinject Auto-Injectors
The Activeaide Auto-Injector Sports Pouch can be worn comfortably on your leg/ankle or arm all day long.
Made out of soft breathable neoprene material that contours for a comfortable fit.
Holds up to two Epinephrine auto injectors such as EpiPen®, AnaPen or Twinject.
Simply measure and cut velcro straps to size.

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FEATURE ARTICLE: Living with Severe Allergies

At School, Camp, or Daycare

Classrooms, camps and daycare centers are common sites of severe allergic reactions, so its important that your child is prepared in the event of an allergic emergency. In particular, managing food allergies in schools, at camp and in daycare centers can be challenging. But through education, communication and cooperation, allergic emergencies can be prevented in these settings. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting those affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis. FAAN makes resources available to parents, school administrators, teachers, school nurses, food service staff and camp staff, such as lunch suggestions and cleaning methods, to help keep kids with food allergies safe.

Here are a few resources that may help you prepare for sending your child to school, camp or daycare.

Its important that your child with allergies, as well as those involved in his/her care, knows how to use the EpiPen® Auto-Injector. Heres a way to send a short instructional video to friends, family, coworkers, teachers and others just in case.


Whether youre hitting the open road or taking to the slopes, travel becomes a little more complicated when you or your child has a severe allergy. But when you know what to expect, you can be prepared and be on your way.

Dining Out

Because life-threatening food allergy reactions can be triggered by food items served in restaurants, its important to plan ahead before dining out.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Know the alternate names for your trigger foods and avoid them.

Hidden or surprise ingredients are a common cause of fatal allergic food reactions, such as crushed nuts in pie crust or foods cooked in peanut oil. In addition, some products used by chefs, including sauces and dressings, may list ingredients by alternate names. For example, peanuts may be called ground nuts, beer nuts or monkey nuts. Its essential that youre familiar with all the names of the food that causes your severe allergic reaction. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology provide accurate, up-to-date information on specific foods that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Check the menu or website in advance or call.

Reading the restaurants menu thoroughly, or checking its website in advance, will make communicating with your server, or the chef, easier and quicker. You can always pick up the phone this works well if your dish will require special preparation.

Eat at off-peak hours

A customer with special needs can really catch a restaurant off guard. Dining at off-peak times for example, this means having dinner before six or after nine oclock may increase the likelihood of ensuring that more attention can be paid to you.

Talk to the wait staff or chef

Restaurant employees generally receive little or no training on the severe nature of food allergies. Theyre often unaware of the need to read and understand ingredient labels, the importance of strict avoidance of certain foods, and the necessity of avoiding cross-contact during food preparation. Therefore its important to make them aware of your food allergy. One way is to hand them an allergy card with your name, food allergy and specific ingredients to avoid. While convenient, these cards dont replace telling the restaurant about your allergy. Explain your condition thoroughly before any food is brought to the table and request that certain ingredients not be used in your food. If the server doesnt seem to understand the severity of your allergies, ask to speak to the chef or manager. And if you still feel like the restaurant staff doesnt understand the risk, you might want to eat somewhere else.

Be sure to have your EpiPen® Auto-Injector with you when dining out.

An allergic emergency can happen anywhere and at any time, so its essential for you and your loved ones to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Make sure you speak with your health care professional about how to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic emergency. If you, your child or someone you're caring for shows signs or symptoms of an allergic emergency, inject the health care professional-prescribed EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr. immediately, then promptly call emergency services and seek immediate medical attention.

REMEMBER: Only the Activeaide EpiPen® case or AnaPen case offers the best insulated protection for you Anaphylaxis Auto Injector.

Activeaide specialise in the design and manufacture of Anaphylaxis and Asthma products such as Anaphylaxis Auto-Injector holders and pouches to suit EpiPen®, AnaPen and Twinject.