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School policies on Anaphylaxis management , including the use of epipen holder, epipen pouch, epipen case, for carrying auto Injectors,

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"Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction when a person is exposed to an allergen. The most common allergens are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. cashews), cow's milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, certain insect stings and medications."

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School Policies

The following resources have been put together to assist schools in developing an Anaphylaxis Management policy.
We hope you find this information useful.
Please also refer to our links page on Anaphlyaxis management training courses and First Aid Suppliers.
Please note, this information is provided as a resource only. Activeaide™ is not responsible for the content of the listed websites, nor do these links imply any endorsement, approval or recommendation by Activeaide™. Specific medical advice should always be sought from a qualified Medical Practitioner.
Anaphylaxis Australia
This site is an absolute must read and is very comprehensive.
Here is just a sample of what the site includes:
  • State guidelines for the management of anaphylaxis in all states of Australia
  • Allergy Action plan tips for when a child starts school (for parents)
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Victoria
Excellent resource and includes sample Anaphylaxis Management policy for referral.
The Children’s Services and Education Legislation Amendment (Anaphylaxis Management) Act 2008 has come into effect from the 14 July 2008.
Any school that has a student or students at risk of anaphylaxis must by law have the following in place by 14 July 2008:
  • An Anaphylaxis Management Plan for each student, developed in consultation with the student’s parents/carers and medical practitioner.
  • Prevention strategies for in-school and out-of-school settings.
  • A communication plan to raise staff, student and school community awareness about severe allergies and the school’s policies.
  • Regular training and updates for school staff in recognizing and responding appropriately to an anaphylactic reaction, including competently administering an EpiPen®.
ASCIA website
Official site of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
  • Has some great guidelines for the prevention of food anaphylactic reactions in schools, preschools and childcare centres.
  • Also good posters that can be downloaded and displayed in a First Aid room.