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History of Activeaide - company that manufactures and sells Epipen holders and accessories for sufferers of anaphylaxi and asthma related products.

Designers and Manufacturers of Specialist

Anaphylaxis & Asthma Products

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"Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction when a person is exposed to an allergen. The most common allergens are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. cashews), cow's milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, certain insect stings and medications."

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Our Story

Our journey began on the 1st of January 1989 when our first child, Melina, suffered her first severe allergic reaction at 6 months of age after innocently being given a taste of chocolate mousse (primarily made with eggwhites).
It was a terrifying experience which saw us rush our little girl to hospital where, after several hours, we were allowed to go home and advised to seek the advice of a paediatrician.
From that first encounter with severe allergies, we learned a lot about allergies and anaphylaxis, including that Melina also had a severe cashew allergy which required her to carry an Epipen®. In those early years, due to the lack of information and understanding about the condition, I was seen by other parents as simply being a paranoid, overprotective mother.
Fast track to 2003, when Melina was preparing to travel to the United States on a school organised trip.
Prior to her departing, I took her in for the routine trip of visiting her allergy specialist at the Royal Children’s Hospital for a regular scratch test. The results showed that while Melina had miraculously outgrown her allergy to egg, she was still allergic to cashews and therefore needed to take her Epipen® with her abroad.
While discussing the results of the testing with the caring and dedicated nursing staff at the hospital, I enquired about a suitable holder for Melina to transport her Epipen® safely on her trip. It was at that moment, after being informed by staff they were unaware of an ideal product of this sort, that I realised there was a need which was not being met. An auto-injector pouch which would assist allergy sufferers who need to carry their medication with them at all times.
I wondered why such an important tool had not been made available to allergy sufferers, and further more, why no one had thought to create a product which would benefit so many. Clearly sufferers of anaphylaxis were not being appropriately catered for.
Being passionate about my idea, and wanting it to be a helpful tool for allergy sufferers and their families, I set about developing such a product that would cater for their needs.
Over a 12 month period, I enthusiastically worked on my product design. I sourced feedback from the staff at RCH Allergy Clinic and the anaphylaxis support group PAK, along with advice from Anaphylaxis Australia, our own GP and family and friends.
In 2004 after developing the product, I, together with my brother Con and my sister in law Diane became a team and started a company whose plan was to promote my products to allergy suffers worldwide.
And so in 2005 our company Activeaide™ was born and our products proudly launched into the anaphylaxis marketplace.
We hope you like our products and look forward to helping you have peace of mind in the management of anaphylaxis with your family member.
After you have used our product for a few months we would greatly appreciate your feedback regarding any way that you believe we might make it better, for you, your child or your child’s carers.
We endeavour to ensure sufferers and their families recognize that anaphylaxis can be easily managed with the correct tools, action plan and awareness.
Melina is now 20 years of age and due to diligent care and increased awareness, confidently manages her allergies on her own.
Our website includes a wide range of both resource and support group information that has been sourced world wide relating to anaphylaxis and allergies. We understand the importance of having access to this type of information and hope that it may assist you.
A big thank you to all of our family members and friends who have directly, or indirectly contributed to its success.
Thank you for reading “Our Story” and supporting our company Activeaide™.