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Testimonials :: Auto Injector Pouches, Epipen Holders and Other Aides for Anaphylaxis Sufferers - Activeaide™â„˘

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Anaphylaxis & Asthma Products

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"Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction when a person is exposed to an allergen. The most common allergens are eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. cashews), cow's milk, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy, certain insect stings and medications."

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I wanted to let you know that I received my order in the mail today. I must say that I am very impressed with it. The idea of this carrier is fantastic, and really fills the need we have. I was really surprised at the quality of your product, as it seems to be very heavy duty as well as being very practical and useable. I really like the fact that it is insulated. We have been trying to carry our epipen in a pocket or school binder up to this point, which does not work well as they have a tendency to fall out when your not looking.

I also want to commend your product support. In todays age and time, getting a quick response and someone willing to work with you is refreshing. Thank you very much for your kind help. I will definitely spread the word on your product and your service. You definitely get an A+ from us!

Thank you very much
Arthur Crutchfield

Arthur Crutchfield, USA

Oct 18, 2010

I just wanted to say thank you for producing the Epipen pouch. We travelled around Australia last year with two anaphylactic children and we were easily able to take the Epipens with us without concern about heat or damage - all due to your great pouches. Now the school always has two on site, and I have the others in my handbag - and whats more the pouches still look as good today as they did the day they arrived in the post three years ago. Thank you once again

Susie Escott, Australia

Apr 27, 2009

Fantastic product! Love the bright yellow for my son's classroom and I have the double pouch to carry his epipens out and about. I used to carry the epipen in a flask so this is much better and not half as bulky! Thank you so much!

Dee, Australia

Jan 13, 2009

FANTASTIC...I have just received my double epipen holder and belt. For five years now I have lugged around my son's epipen in a bulky insulated I have this handy, trendy and professional looking holder which can go around the waist or be neatly put in my handbag - and it can also carry one epipen, zyrtec drops and a ventolin...I LOVE IT! Thank you!!!

Kellie Burns, Australia

Dec 9, 2008

Activeaide Epipen pouches have become an essential tool in the delivery of our Anaphylaxis and First Aid courses. Our scenario based teaching ensures that our students not only know how to use Epipen safely but also instantly recognise the pouch as the container for the vital medication and to look for the Auto Injector Pouch Identification Tag as a means to correctly identify the casualty.

Barb Riley, Australia
Emergency First Aid Pty Ltd

Dec 1, 2008

I absolutely love my twin pouch. I have severe food allergies, so I must carry two at all times. I added a D clip to it and I wear it on my belt loop at all times. Everyone at work knows that it is an epipen holder and the insulation allows me to take my son to the park and not have to worry about my epipen over heating.

Christian Danielle, USA

Nov 21, 2008

I was a bit unsure of ordering from an overseas site !
I ordered 2 epipen pouches and an ID tag which I received today. The products are very good and I am very pleased with them. I shall also show them to the school nurse as they are great for the kids to carry their epipens around in as the school now wants the childern to have an epipen with them at all times, and one in the school office. Many thanks.

Audrey O'Connell, England

Oct 22, 2008

I love this web site, lots of information that I can refer people to. I work for Melbourne First Aid as a trainer and already have the Auto Injector Pouches. I found them in a pharmacy and thought what a great product they were for people who are anaphylactic. I take them to training sessions and show the participants what they actually look like so they know how good the products really are.

Owena Cleary, Australia
Melbourne First Aid

Oct 15, 2008

A great idea, I bought one in 2006, thinking my son would grow out of his allergy but no luck so far, so now I bought another pouch and tag. The price is still the same and still very reasonable!! My first pouch is still looking great even after dragging it everywhere for 2 years.

Jackie Masciantonio, Australia

Oct 13, 2008

I have 2 children who are required to carry 2 Epi pens® at all times. This is a great idea which I saw on a boy in my Doctors surgery and his mum loved it.

Peta Oakes, Australia

Aug 15, 2008

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